Get Involved
The final Major Transportation Corridors Plan was adopted on July 18, 2024.
The MTCP was heard by the Planning Commission on June 6th for a public hearing. The project team presented the plan and noted a few changes for the final draft based on public comments. The plan will be heard and considered for adoption by the Planning Commission on July 18th at 9 AM. You may find more information about public meetings and agendas at:
As always, you may reach the project team at Thank you for you interest in the County’s transportation network.
Successful plans that easily transition into implementation have a common thread – they are rooted in a meaningful engagement process that fosters stakeholder and public supported outcomes that work toward achieving the County’s vision. The public engagement effort for the MTCP Update will be completed in three phases.
May 2024 Update
Following Phase 3 public engagement, revisions were made to the draft plan, which was available here in the weeks leading up to the June 6th and July 18th Planning Commission meetings.
[Phase 3 engagement is now closed. Results will be posted here once summarized]
Phase 3 – We Want Your Input!
Help improve El Paso County’s transportation network
As we near the end of the update process, we want to hear from you once more. Input from earlier phases of stakeholder and community engagement showed that safety, bike/pedestrian facilities and connections, and roadway improvements are valued by stakeholders and the public.
We are now asking you to complete three actions regarding the draft MTCP recommendations, which prioritize investments in county road upgrades, new roadway connections, road widenings, and multimodal roadway projects that include active transportation elements such as multiuse shoulders.
1 Draft Plan Review
You may submit comments in three ways:
Enter on the Get Involved page:
Write to us at the project team’s email address:
Mail to the County’s DPW building:
ATTN: MTCP Review Comments, 3275 Akers Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80922
2 Commenting Maps
To view and comment on the recommended projects, functional classifications, and corridor preservation plan, please click the link below:
You may review and provide comments on the draft MTCP projects, noting the different layers that you may toggle on and off include point, linear, new roadway connections, and roadway improvements. The draft maps will show recommended improvement projects, functional classifications, and corridor preservation.
3 Two-question Survey
Please take a short, two-question SURVEY to indicate whether you support the draft MTCP. You will be asked to vote yes/no to indicate your support of the MTCP. You will also have an open-ended response opportunity to express any concerns you have about the draft recommendations.
Phase 2 Engagement
El Paso County is in the middle of an approximately 20-month process to update the Major Transportation Corridors Plan. Public input is critical. So far, we've heard that the public would like the plan to focus on the following goals: maintain existing infrastructure, ensure the roadway network is reliable, and improve safety for all modes of travel. In the second round of public engagement, we sought your input on transportation project priorities, in terms of locations as well as budgets. Phase 2 engagement closed on April 30, 2023.
A summary of the Phase 2 engagement is available here.
Project Commenting Map
The project commenting map features the opportunity to view more than 200 planned/recommended projects so you can see work previously proposed in current and past plans and studies. You will be able to drop pins and comment about additional ideas for improvement or needs.
The comment categories are as follows:
Existing Roadway Improvements (intersection improvements, pavement treatments, additional shoulders, drainage improvements, etc.)
Roadway Capacity Improvements (new roadway connections, widening, etc. )
Paving/Gravel (surface repair/upgrades, etc.)
Safety (improve visibility, roundabouts, traffic signals, etc.)
Bike/Pedestrian (multi-use shoulders, expand trail network, improve bike/pedestrian connections, etc.)
Other (park-n-rides for carpool commuters, connections to transit, electric vehicle charging stations, etc.)
In our recent goals ranking survey, you told us that Maintaining Transportation Infrastructure is your top priority goal. As you view the project commenting map, keep in mind there are two types of maintenance:
Capital projects (e.g., overlays, signal upgrades, ADA compliance) and ongoing operational maintenance. The mapped projects include capital maintenance.
Ongoing operational maintenance. The top 10 customer service maintenance requests submitted to the Department of Public Works in 2022 were potholes, grading/gravel repair, street signage, dead animal removal, dumping/trash removal, tree trimming/removal, drainage maintenance, traffic signals, concrete repair, and crack sealing. You can directly submit maintenance requests via this link, which also appears in the upper right corner of the project commenting map.
Budget Exercise
The interactive budget exercise gives you a $100 budget to spend. The tool shows you a “live” tally of funds spent and balance remaining. This activity offers the opportunity for you to tell us how you would prioritize transportation project types. The choices will appear in a randomized order. For each choice, you will see a few example project types.
Upgrade County Roads
Improve Intersections
Expand Multimodal Options
Pave Gravel roads
Add New Roadway Connections or Widen Roads
Incorporate Innovative Technologies
Improve Safety for All Modes
Focus on Improvements for People with Disabilities
Thank you in advance for your participation! We look forward to reviewing your inputs.
Phase 1.5 - We want your input!
Between Phase 1 and Phase 2 of public engagement, we are conducting a short survey to seek your input on how you’d rank transportation system goals. Given your experiences traveling through the County - whether driving, walking, biking, or taking transit.
[The survey is now closed. Thank you to all who participated.]
Phase 1 Closed
We want to hear your thoughts and suggestions
Add your site-specific comments to the interactive Unincorporated El Paso County Map
Tell us how you move around and answer specific questions about the current and future transportation of El Paso County
Phase 1 Engagement
To understand the transportation needs, issues, and values of those who live, work, and recreate in El Paso County, we must first listen. Phase 1 engagement will focus on listening to you, the public, via digital and virtual engagement techniques and listening to stakeholders through a series of stakeholder interviews.
Phase 1 engagement will establish a qualitative understanding of mobility needs, issues, and opportunities to inform the MTCP’s vision, goals, corridor needs, and support project development and prioritization. This MTCP website will serve as the primary means to reach the public, including tools such as
An online commenting map to gather input on location-specific issues and opportunities
An interactive idea wall to understand values and needs
A survey to understand community preferences
A summary of Phase 1 Public Engagement is available here
Step 1 results can be viewed here
Step 2 results can be viewed here
Phase 2 Engagement
Understanding the trade-offs and costs of transportation investments allows informed decision making. Educational information and prioritization tools will provide foundational information to support all outreach activities.
Phase 2 input will inform plan priorities, strategy recommendations, and project prioritization. Watch for anticipated web-based engagement activities, including:
A budget tool to gather input on priorities
Understanding the trade-offs and costs of transportation investments allows informed decision making. Educational information and prioritization tools will provide foundational information to support all outreach activities. To inform MTCP priorities, strategy recommendations, and project prioritization, Phase 2 interactive exercises will include the following:
A summary of Phase 2 Public Engagement is available here
Phase 3 Engagement
The final phase of engagement will focus on confirming with the public and stakeholders that the plan reflects what was heard and that it responds to community stated values and priorities. Phase 3 input will support integration of public comments into the plan as appropriate and adoption of the MTCP.
We anticipate the following Phase 3 engagement:
Online access to the draft report for review and comment
Public Meeting Information
To be posted as meetings dates and locations are identified. Meeting materials will be posted online following public meetings.
Interactive Activities
Community input is important to us. As interactive exercises are initiated, we will post links here, as well as on the home page. We look forward to hearing from you!
Get in touch.
For more information on the Major Transportation Corridors Plan, please submit your comment below or contact the project team at