Project Announcements

The final Major Transportation Corridors Plan was adopted on July 18, 2024.

Draft MTCP is available here: Draft EPC MTCP 2024-06

The MTCP was heard by the Planning Commission on June 6th for a public hearing.  The project team presented the plan and noted a few changes for the final draft based on public comments.  The plan will be heard and considered for adoption by the Planning Commission on July 18th at 9 AM.  You may find more information about public meetings and agendas at:

As always, you may reach the project team at  Thank you for you interest in the County’s transportation network.

May 2024 Update

Following Phase 3 public engagements, revisions were made to the draft plan. The revised DRAFT MTCP is now available via the button below:

Phase 3 – We want your input!

El Paso County is nearing the end of a process to update the Major Transportation Corridors Plan. Public input is critical, and the draft plan is ready for your review. We invite you to participate in the following Phase 3 activities:

  • Review and comment on the draft MTCP

  • View and comment on the map-based recommended projects, functional classifications, and corridor preservation plan

  • Take a short 2-question survey to indicate your support for the draft MTCP or express your concerns

The Phase 3 Public Engagement summary is now available on the Get Involved page.

Phase 2 – We want your input!

El Paso County is in the middle of an approximately 20-month process to update the Major Transportation Corridors Plan. Public input is critical. So far, we've heard that the public would like the plan to focus on the following goals: maintain existing infrastructure, ensure the roadway network is reliable, and improve safety for all modes of travel. To continue to help us identify MTCP priorities, we invite you to participate in the following Phase 2 interactive exercises:

  • Project commenting map

  • Budget exercise

Phase 2 engagement closed on April 30, 2023.

The Phase 2 Public Engagement summary is now available here and on the Get Involved page.

Phase 1.5 - We want your input!

Between Phase 1 and Phase 2 of public engagement, we are conducting a short survey to seek your input on how you’d rank transportation system goals. Given your experiences traveling through the County - whether driving, walking, biking, or taking transit – please click [ HERE ] to rank the importance of these goals in providing the services and infrastructure needed to meet the future needs of our community!

[The survey is now closed. Thank you to all who participated.]

Phase 1 of public engagement ended on September 30, 2022. The summary is available here and you can also view the idea wall and comment map.

Existing Conditions – Highlights